A terrific resource for optimizing and maximizing wealth through perhaps your greatest asset...
The Torps are excited to share with you (at no cost or obligation) a remarkable new technology called HOMEBOT!
Homebot is a user-friendly tool providing you a monthly personalized report that shows you the current value of your house. The Homebot platform contains relevant information to help you make the most informed financial decisions when it comes to your home.
What will Homebot track for you?...
• Current estimated market value of your home
• Appreciation since the time of purchase
• Net worth/equity in your home
• Tips for how to save on interest payments
• Your purchasing power to buy an investment property or new home
• Your current cash-out potential for doing things like consolidating high interest debt or increasing your home value through home improvement
We'd also be happy to create an updated Comparable Market Analysis for you'd like to pinpoint your home's optimal value.
Our clients are finding Homebot easy to use and extremely informative, and we hope you do as well.
To get started with Homebot now and see your current home value please enter your address in the box below.